Set up the extension

Once you have installed the aDolus FACT Integration Azure DevOps extension, you need to perform three tasks to set it up:

  1. Create the OAuth Client in the FACT portal
  2. Configure OAuth in Azure DevOps
  3. Create a service connection in Azure DevOps 

Create the OAuth Client

Create an OAuth Client in FACT that Azure DevOps will use during the authentication process.


You perform this step in aDolus FACT, but you will need information from your instance of Azure DevOps.

  1. In aDolus FACT, select Support & Downloads > Azure DevOps Ext. in the sidebar.
    The Azure DevOps Extension page displays.
  2. Enter the URL specific to your Azure DevOps organization in the DevOps Org URL field.


    The organization URL is the base URL you use to access your organization’s DevOps instance. You can find this in Azure DevOps on the Organization Settings > Overview page as shown in the following image.


  3. Click Create Client.
    The page updates to display the OAuth client details.

Configure OAuth in Azure DevOps

Add an OAuth configuration to Azure DevOps using the details found on the OAuth Client Details page in FACT.


You perform this step in Azure DevOps, but you will need information from the OAuth Client Details page in aDolus FACT.

  1. In Azure DevOps, navigate to the Organization Settings > OAuth configurations page and click Add.


  2. Complete the fields as follows:
    • In the Name field, enter aDolus FACT OAuth.
    • From the Source Type list, select aDolus FACT.
    • In the aDolus FACT URL field, enter


      The values for the following two fields come from the OAuth Client Details page in aDolus FACT.

    • In the Client ID field, enter the value from the Client ID field in FACT.
    • In the Secret field, enter the value that displays in the Client Secret field in FACT when you click Show Client Secret.

  3. Click Create.

Create a service connection in Azure DevOps

With the OAuth configuration created, you can now add a service connection in Azure DevOps using the details of the OAuth Client in FACT. The service connection will be used in your DevOps pipelines when executing the FACT Submissions task and the FACT File Upload task.


You perform this step in Azure DevOps.

  1. In Azure DevOps, navigate to your project and open the Project Settings > Service connections page.
  2. Click New service connection.


  3. Select aDolus FACT from the list of service connection types and click Next.


  4. Complete the fields as follows:
    • In the Server URL field, enter
    • From the OAuth Configuration list, select the configuration you created in step 2: aDolus FACT OAuth.
    • In the Service Connection Name field, enter aDolus FACT.
    • In the Description field, enter a meaningful description, if desired.
    • Ensure the option Grant access permission to all pipelines is selected.

  5. Click Authorize.
    A window displays prompting you to sign in to aDolus FACT.


    If your browser isn't running an active FACT session, your first authorization attempt will fail. Simply dismiss the error and click Authorize again.

  6. Enter your aDolus FACT credentials and click Sign in.
    When authentication is complete, the sign-in window closes.
  7. Click Save.
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