Use the pipeline tasks in Azure DevOps

You execute the FACT Integration extension tasks through an Azure DevOps Agent that is configured to run in a Windows environment. It can run from Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012 (or higher). 


To run the extension tasks, the FACT Tools must be installed on the DevOps Agent machine and the DevOps Agent must be added to your Azure DevOps project. 

This article does not document the Azure DevOps Agent or the procedure to create a pipeline. Refer to the Microsoft documentation for support with those tasks.

  1. When adding a task to your pipeline, search for FACT task to locate the aDolus FACT Integration tasks.

  2. Select the desired task and complete the fields as described in the following sections.

FACT Analysis task

Use the FACT Analysis task to analyze a release file produced in the pipeline and create analysis results output in the form of a zipped manifest and a metadata archive.


Display name
Enter a meaningful name for the task
Path to FACT
Composition Engine
Enter the full path to the FCE on the DevOps Agent machine
Artifact to analyze
Specify a file to analyze (e.g., zip archive, executable)
Directory to analyze
Specify a directory whose contents you want to analyze


Complete either the artifact field or the directory field – not both.

Path to save artifact
output analysis
Specify the directory to save the analysis results to

FACT Submissions task

Use the FACT Submissions task after the FACT Analysis task to upload the analysis results output to the FACT platform.


Display name
Enter a meaningful name for the task
aDolus FACT service
Select the service connection used for FACT API authentication
Path to FACT API Client
Enter the full path to the API Client on the DevOps Agent machine
Directory of FACT
analysis files
Specify the directory the analysis results were saved to

FACT File Upload task

Use the FACT File Upload task to upload files from a directory to the FACT platform. Analysis will take place on the FACT platform.


Display name
Enter a meaningful name for the task
aDolus FACT service
Select the service connection used for FACT API authentication
Path to FACT API Client
Enter the full path to the API Client on the DevOps Agent machine
Directory of files to upload
Specify the directory where the files to be uploaded are located
Upload as a Product File?
Select this option if you’re uploading a new version of your own product
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