Delete an SBOM

If you created an SBOM for the wrong file or chose the wrong format, go ahead and delete it. You can generate a new one at any time.

  1. Use the Files menu in the sidebar to navigate to the Submitted Files page.
    Select Files > Product Files if you want to work with a product file. (Partner Supplier plan only)
  2. Locate the file whose SBOM you want to delete.

     Search Tip

    Use the filter and search features to display a set of files with specific attributes or help locate a particular file. See Filter and search for files for full instructions on using these features.

  3. Click a file name or the file's score to open the information window.
  4. Click the NTIA SBOMs tab to display the SBOMs previously generated for the selected file.
  5. Locate the SBOM you want to delete.
  6. Click Delete to the right of the desired SBOM.
    A message prompts you to confirm the deletion.
  7. Click Delete.
    The SBOM is removed from the list.
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