Remove a user

Remove a user from your organization when you no longer want them to have access to your organization in the FACT web portal.

  1. In the sidebar, select Settings > Organization Settings to display your organization’s profile.
    The People tab is selected by default.
  2. Locate the user whose account you want to remove.

     Search Tip

    Use the search field to locate a specific user by name or email address. Click Search_clear.png in this field to clear the criteria.

  3. Click the user’s name to display their member profile.
    This page displays the user’s basic profile details and includes all functionality for managing their account within the organization.
  4. Expand More Actions and select Remove.
    A message prompts you to confirm the action.
  5. Click Remove.
    A message confirms that the action was completed successfully. The user is removed from the organization’s user list.
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