Add a certificate chain

The Certificate Chain Settings page allows you to add the certificates that your organization uses to sign your product files. aDolus will use these to perform certificate validation on any files uploaded using the FACT Composition Engine (FCE). The certificates are also used to validate the signatures of files uploaded by users.

  1. In the sidebar, select Settings > Certificate Chain Settings.
    The Certificate Chain Settings page displays the existing certificate chains for your organization.
  2. Click anywhere in the Add Certificate Chain box to open your file chooser.
  3. Locate and select the certificate chain you want to add.
  4. Click Open.


    Alternately, locate the certificate chain on your computer, drag the file to the Add Certificate Chain box, and drop it in place.

    The file displays in the Add Certificate Chain box. If the upload was successful, it displays a check mark. If the upload was unsuccessful, it is marked with an X and a message indicates the problem (e.g., certificate has already been added).

    When added successfully, the certificate chain appears in the list on the left side of the page.

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