Have a discussion

You can add a comment on any file to start a new discussion or contribute to an ongoing discussion.

  1. Use the Files menu in the sidebar to navigate to the Submitted Files page.
  2. Locate the file you want to work with.

     Search Tip

    Use the filter and search features to display a set of files with specific attributes or help locate a particular file. See Filter and search for files for full instructions on using these features.


    Make sure you’ve selected the correct file: click the file name to review full file details before making any changes.

  3. Click the Comment button.
    The Comment box opens displaying the existing comments at the top of the box in the order they were added. The text No comments yet displays if you are the first to enter a comment.
  4. Position your cursor in the field provided and type your comment.


    Use Ctrl + ENTER to start a new line.

  5. Press ENTER to save your entry.
    Your comment is added to the conversation with your name and the date/time it was created.
  6. Click outside the Comment box to close it.
    A symbol displayed on the far right of the row indicates the file has comments.
  7. You can delete your own comments. Only an administrator can delete other users' comments.
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