Add a description

Enter a description to provide information on a file that might be useful to other users.

  1. Use the Files menu in the sidebar to navigate to the Submitted Files page.
  2. Locate the file you want to work with.

     Search Tip

    Use the filter and search features to display a set of files with specific attributes or help locate a particular file. See Filter and search for files for full instructions on using these features.

  3. Expand the menu on the far right of the row and select Edit Description.


    Make sure you're working with the correct file before making any changes. Click the file name to view the file details.

  4. Position your cursor in the Description field.
  5. Enter a description of the selected file or add details to an existing description.
    The content you enter is saved automatically.
  6. Click the Hide button to the right of the field to collapse it.
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