Set column and sorting options

You can choose which columns to display in the file list, the order they appear in, and how the list is sorted. This affects only your view of the content and only while you remain on the page. If you navigate away from the file list, the column settings, along with the search filters, will be reset to their defaults when you return. This is the behavior on both the Submitted Files page that is available to all users and the Product Files page, which is available only to suppliers.

  1. Click the Column Options button in the button bar.
    The Columns tab of the settings dialog box displays the columns currently selected to display in the file list.

    The order of the columns in the dialog box (top to bottom) reflects the order they appear on the page (left to right).
  2. Add and remove columns as necessary to display only the file details you want to see in the file list.
    • Click the Remove Column button to the right of a field to remove that field.
    • Click Add Column to add another option to the bottom of the list. Expand the field and select the column you want to include.

  3. Reorder the columns so that they appear in the order you want them to display on the page.
    • To the left of any field, click the Move Up or Move Down button to reposition that column.
  4. On the Sorting tab, specify the sort order for the file list.
    FACT sorts the items in the file list by the criteria you specify on this tab.
    • Click the Sorting tab.
      There will always be at least one column listed and you can add as many columns as you want. FACT will sort the file list by the first column listed, then the next column, and so on.

    • Expand the field at the top of the list and select the column you want to sort by.
    • Use the buttons directly to the left of the field to set the sort order as descending or ascending for that column.
    • Click Add Column to add another column for sorting. Specify the sort details in the same way as before.
    • Add additional sort criteria as desired. 
    • To the left of any field, click the Move Up or Move Down button to reposition that column
    • Click the Remove Column button to the right of a field to remove that column.
  5. Click OK to save the column display and sort settings.
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