Set up an existing support account

If you have ever submitted a request to the support system using a Submit a request link in the Help Center or the Contact us form in the FACT web portal, then you will already have a support account. It’s possible that this account exists and you don’t even realize it.

Follow the steps in this article to set up that account so that you can interact with the Help Center content and make meaningful connections in the FACT community forum.

  1. On any help page, click Sign in in the upper right corner.

    A sign-in dialog box opens.

  2. Click Get a password.
    A dialog box opens requesting your email address. Providing this allows us to verify your account and send you instructions for completing the setup.

  3. Enter the email address you use to sign in to FACT.
  4. Click Submit.
    A welcome email containing a verification link is delivered to the email address you provided.
  5. Locate your welcome email and click the verification link to proceed.
    A dialog box opens where you set your password.



    The user name you provided when you first contacted us is displayed. You can edit this here, if you wish.

  6. Enter a password, being sure to follow the password requirements specified.
  7. Click Set password.
    This sets the password for your support account and signs you in to the Help Center. Your user name displays in the upper right corner of the page.
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